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Is there an A level in Technical Theatre

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Hiya everyone, I am new to this site and was hoping someone might be able to help me. I am a teacher at a 6th form college and currently run a tech theatre session for 20 odd students, but am looking to implement a proper course for next september. I have been told that we cant do a BTEC in any form, so I was wondering if anyone new if there was an actual A level or applied a level in technical theatre. I have searched around but havent found one but I saw a few comments on here talking about A level tech theatre. If anyone could help that be brilliant. Thanks Adam
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Hi There


I've never heard of an A-Level in Technical Theatre but when I did A-level Drama and Theatre Studies at 6th form we were able to choose to work as part of the production team rather that the cast for all of our practical projects. For all of our projects I worked on lighting design while other students worked on sound, scenic design and costume, and directing. I think the exam board was edexcel (not too sure though). The main problem with this course as opposed to a specific technical course was that while we all learned a great deal about our roles there wasn't much teaching directed at technical and design work built into the course structure so much of this I learned from the guy that I used to hire equipment from and the technicians at a local theater that we often worked in (that was a rather long sentence. Dunno if any of this helps.



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No. However, you can do "design elements" including lighting, sound, costuming, etc. as a significant percentage of you mark in Drama/Theatre Studies, but be aware that you might not get much help from your teachers unless you're lucky.




Have a read through the thread http://www.blue-room.org.uk/index.php?showtopic=11885 where a lot of this was discussed very recently. Be warned...it's a long one.





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I did A Level Theatre Studies (I believe with Edexel) and I can echo what everyone else has said before...I focussed on both sound and lighting for my practical based assessments which I thoroughly enjoyed - BUT the teaching wasn't there for me (in that I knew more than the teachers did)! The other thing that stops it being a technical course is that I spent most of my time doing acting theory and such like. As much as I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would, it wasn't exactly what I thought I was signing up for...
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Hiya everyone, I am new to this site and was hoping someone might be able to help me. I am a teacher at a 6th form college and currently run a tech theatre session for 20 odd students, but am looking to implement a proper course for next september. I have been told that we cant do a BTEC in any form, so I was wondering if anyone new if there was an actual A level or applied a level in technical theatre. I have searched around but havent found one but I saw a few comments on here talking about A level tech theatre. If anyone could help that be brilliant. Thanks Adam



There's is defiantly a btec in stage management that covers all the technical aspects but I think that there is also a course called technical theatre that is a normal A level

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Hi Scott,


I have never heard of an A level course solely on Technical Theatre, but I am currently studying a 2 year course which is BND Technical Theatre. (brittish national diploma) I am in my final year. it covers pretty much everything and gives you a good solid base to go studying further or even begin work..... PM me if you want to know more




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BTEC National Award in Performing Arts (Acting)

BTEC National Award in Performing Arts (Circus Skills)

BTEC National Award in Performing Arts (Dance)

BTEC National Award in Performing Arts (Musical Theatre)

BTEC National Award in Performing Arts (Costume)*

BTEC National Award in Performing Arts (Makeup)*

BTEC National Award in Performing Arts (Set Construction)*

BTEC National Award in Performing Arts (Stage Design)*

BTEC National Award in Performing Arts (Stage Management)*

BTEC National Award in Performing Arts (Theatre Technology)*

BTEC National Award in Performing Arts (Arts Management)*

BTEC National Certificate in Performing Arts (Acting)

BTEC National Certificate in Performing Arts (Dance)

BTEC National Certificate in Performing Arts (Performance)

BTEC National Certificate in Performing Arts (Musical Theatre)

BTEC National Certificate in Performing Arts (Design)*

BTEC National Certificate in Performing Arts (Technical)*

BTEC National Certificate in Performing Arts (Production)*

BTEC National Certificate in Performing Arts (Makeup)*

BTEC National Diploma in Performing Arts (Acting)

BTEC National Diploma in Performing Arts (Dance)

BTEC National Diploma in Performing Arts (Performance)

BTEC National Diploma in Performing Arts (Musical Theatre)

BTEC National Diploma in Performing Arts (Design)*

BTEC National Diploma in Performing Arts (Technical)*

BTEC National Diploma in Performing Arts (Production)*


There you go - all the National Titles you'll ever need!

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