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avolites azure midi out


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Hi Stevie,


As John said the codes are in the manual, but are also in the Midi Codes word file on the Azure download page (Save you downloading the entire manual if you don't want to!).


If my memory serves me correct (Which it doesn't always!) then by enabling the desk to be a Midi Master (In the user settings menu, it's on a dedicated key on the azure (Different key legend depending on which type of desk your on (Touch Panel or Schadow))), then the codes that are in the file/manual will be outputed from the midi out connection on the back of the console.


This was originally desgined for linking 2 desks together to fire playbacks from only one desk, but I guess that if you can configure your VJ software to respond to specific Midi codes then you could just (as an example) configure it to fire an effect when fader 1 reaches 100%, this linked in with some good lighting in that fader could produce some overall good effects.


Have any other questions then don't hesitate to reply.





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Dan your memory is spot on. In slave mode the desk responds to MIDI commands and in master mode the desk sends out MIDI commands.


All the commands are documented in the MIDI codes document.

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