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Here’s one then.


One of my clients wants a “clap-om-meter†(remember I mean this most sincerely folks!!!).


Basically for a bit of fun at his event, he wants to have some sort of graphical representation as to the re-action of the audience clapping.


It doesn’t really have to be fed by noise (mic input via PC) as we can fiddle that and make it look like it is happening.


Then I have to project onto screens in the normal way (obviously have this side covered).


As this is a bit of fun we really don’t want to spend shed loads of money, and was wondering if anyone had done something similar in the past or had a bright idea.

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If you don't mind soldering there are predecoded bargraph chips around.


You give them a power supply, your variable voltage and they give you outputs for LEDs (generally common anode).



You could then film this and project it. But to be honest its a lot of effort, and I doubt anyone would notice if you went for Paul's suggestion of a voltmeter and train controller.

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visit your local school and borrow one of those huge demo voltmeters they use for physics. variable voltage power source aka mdoel railway controller and bingo! Big enough to point a camera at and get a good pic.


Love this idea - it is definatly one of those "Thinking out side of the box" whatchamacallit's




Winamp, a microphone, the Linein:// plugin, and <InsertYourFavouriteMeter-LikeVisualisationHere> ??


Cheers, I'll take a look

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we used a colourful graphic looking like a totaliser from Blue Peter as a powerpoint master. We then covered up the middle of it with a black rectangle that got progressively smaller on several slides.

The more slides the smoother the transition.


You then get an operator to hit page up and down frantically to follow / lead the cheering.




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Canibalise a galvanometer and put it in the gate of a solar 250.


Make a BIG meter casing as a prop and fit a model (aircraft etc) servo to support and drive the big needle. Remote drive is by a model radio control unit, cable drive is via the Maplin Servo Tester module. Real indication is by linking the servo driver chip to a repeating pulse. Pulse width governs position so audio volts to PWM to servo driver wags needle to the sound

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Tarqs you have a PM !


Ok so I was slightly bored this sunday afternoon !

I have built a very quick Clap-O-Meter using V1sual Bas1c 2005.

It runs in full screen mode (just about resizes according to screen resolution), has a large VU style meter that can be increased using the mouse scroll wheel, left click displays the total, right click resets.

It even has some fantastic animated gifs of clapping hands to encourage participation !


If anyone else would like a copy of this masterpiece drop me a PM with your email address on, and I will email you a zip containing the install files.




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Borrow a digital SPL meter (or buy a cheap one), point a camera at it and project it - gives you the 'real thing' corresponding to the amount of noise they make.


I did this for a 'stars in your eyes' night - great fun.



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Borrow a computer running Adobe Audition 2.0 (with every window being dockable and resizeable), make the meter window fill the screen, then project it.





Never thought of that - I have Adobe Audition 2.0 - I'll have a play



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