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Radio Mic Headset


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I am looking for a decent slim/non obtrusive headset mic for use with the Sennheiser EW312 Radio Mic Kit. Possibilities I have been looking at include:


Sennheiser HSP2-EW-3

DPA 4066

Countryman E6


What are your comments on these mics, do you have any other suggestions? Also are there any UK resellers for the Countryman mics as Googling hasn't turned up anything.

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My personal preference is for the DPA, with the Countryman a very close second and the Sennheiser a bit farther back, though by no means bad.


My application is theatre and corporate stuff so YMMV. However, I like the clear, open tone from the DPA and find the headset mount stays on nicely even with energetic blocking.


As for a Countryman supplier, I can't help...I used to get them from Canford but they've recently made them special order only. :stagecrew:



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The DPA's are great mics as are the countryman's, they are all quite fragile so some careful handling is required.

DPA's can be very sensitive to sweat and can lose top end and a bit of their sparkle if they get "sweated out" it can also render them totally useless.

I havent used the countryman much but they are very compact and neat.


I know Wigwam Accoustics can supply both - 01706 363400.

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