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Where can I get Lee gel at a good price?


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Louis - first and foremost, your topic title really through me for a six - I was expecting a thread asking what colours or something people suggest, and your thread is almost totally unrelated to joseph (except for the fact you are working on it), but rather a "Cheap Lee Gels" type thread.




I know quite a few people in the lighting and sound retail industry - some who are purchasing officers and buy directly from Lee. Their provision of gels is at minimal profit. Especially when they are cutting from the roll. The last I checked, I could get a sheet of Lee gel (1220mmx533mm) for about $12-$15 a sheet (depending on whether they needed to special order it). They made about AU$2 a sheet IIRC.


Gels are a bit like bubbles, gaffer tape, lx tape, cable ties and other consumables - they usually cost about the same no matter where you go.

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No diss Louis, but if you filled in a few more details on your profile people might be able to say: "Yes, try Fred's Lighting Co.Ltd. - it's just around the corner".


Anycase :





might be starting points.......they both do credit/debit cards over the phone and will mail/courier it to you.




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Or, in fact, any theatrical suppliers. Before this turns into a total disaster of a thread, I'm killing it.


Look on Stagelink, or even just in the good 'ole yellow pages.


Here come the dancin' locks!


:stagecrew: ;) :lock:






:lock: :lock: :lock:

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