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Everything posted by ekul1978

  1. When I wired up the LED windows that I was using at school I used these connectors and the extension tape to run to the DMX box. Not sure if the will work going to another LED strip but I had some pretty long runs of the extension cable (8m+) and didn't have any issues with such a long run. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Connector-Solderless-Extension-Connection-Multicolor/dp/B09277J47Q/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=2HNV9DHPI8B3S&keywords=led+tape+connector+5pin&qid=1677849881&sprefix=led+tape+connector+5pin%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
  2. I get constant emails from them with set/props etc for offer
  3. ekul1978

    LED Tape

    They are led lit window frames/pictures frames (tape running on the inside of the frame facing inwards) - just looking for potential diffusers to try and reduce the single dot led look if you know what I mean. I know I wont be able to get a great look with out buying tape with more leds closer together but just wondered on ideas that may help.
  4. ekul1978

    LED Tape

    Well the meeting was better than expected. He only wants full colour frames so no need to go down the individual pixel route. Still wants 24 different sized frames in total. Now I'm wondering if anyone has any good options for cheap diffusion? The number of frames and tape needed wont leave much room for buying the actual proper diffuser.
  5. ekul1978

    LED Tape

    Thanks for the replies. Thanks for the offer too Tim. Ive got a meeting with the boss today to discuss exactly how many frames and if he wants to do individual pixels or not. Hopefully have more info soon (fingers crossed).
  6. ekul1978

    LED Tape

    Thanks for the replies guys - certainly stuff to look into. Not done anything with artnet so will need to look at that too.
  7. ekul1978

    LED Tape

    Thanks - I will have a look - Just looking at using them for some picture frames that ideally we would like to run individual led effects on, so not using masses of pixel tape per window but a few. Desk wise its a pearl expert pro, not the newest of desks but still able to output a fair few universes. Never done Arduino before so not sure if that's out of my league - was just really looking for a unit that I could plug the tape into, then into the desk and use the pixel mapping or shape generator etc. to run the effects. Probably should have said the tape is 2811 so maybe one of those units is what I'm looking for alistermorton. Probably the first one so I can link them to another unit etc if the universes allow it. I can do a basic version with the standard RGBW tape and use 4 individual strips to lights each side of the window but thought it would look cooler if I was able to use individual ones.
  8. ekul1978

    LED Tape

    Just got a question regarding LED tape. Got two set of different tape - one RGBW and one individually addressable RGB. I have a DMX controller (32 Channel 96A RGBW DMX 512 LED Decoder Controller), that with do the RGBW tape through my lighting desk. Not sure how to control the addressable one? Anyone point me in the right direction or a unit similar to this so I can control it from the lighting desk. Any help is much appreciated.
  9. I'm lucky if I get a meal deal where I work - sometimes I'm an after thought for "we ordered some food do you want any chips?" Best place I've been fed is production park/backstage academy - the nicest food 🙂
  10. Just wondering if anyone knew if there were 3d print files for a palco 5 arm cover? Got a couple at work that the arms are breaking on and have access to a 3d printer that is big enough to print them. I've had a quick google but cant seem to see anything.
  11. second for peter evans - could you however use partial sheets on the walls to give the effect of stones and fill in the gaps with paint. I did this with a fairytale castle when budgets were tight. Looked pretty good and gave the impression of old brickwork etc. If I can find a picture I will show it.
  12. Managed to finally get the track sorted. Turns out it was a mixture I think of one of the bar supports being slightly off and the corner track having a very minor twist. Unfortunately for me the boss has now said can I replace the handline pulley curtain track too. It does need replacing as its form the 70's too and is a little worse for wear. I know exactly what Hall parts I need but have a question regarding the rope. Ideally would love it to be black too so it matches everything else, but is there a specific kind of sash cord I should be looking for? Thanks
  13. Thanks for the replies guys. I guess the room could be out. I will try to re-check measurements tomorrow. I should have said it’s mounted from a grid/RSJ’s. I will try to post some pics tomorrow so you can see what I mean. I guess it could be a matter of spacers/shims on some of the fixings. If all else fails I guess I will have to drop it. Took me a while to rig it to the point I’m at though so that’s a last option. Kerry - the track is from a job lot we purchased. I have some spare 90’s so I could stop that out to see if it’s that that is twisted. Thanks guys.
  14. Hi, not really sure if anyone can help but im bemused with this problem. While we have small numbers of children on site im replacing our old battered furse track with some Hall T60 we have. Rigged one side of our studio with no problems but the other side seems to have a twist in the track after the 90 degree turn. All the fixing points etc are the same distance height etc away from each other and there is not kink in the track before the 90 just straight after. Its going to cause some problems when I join the two sides in the middle. I cant see that the corner itself is twisted so am a little stumped. Not sure if anyone can help or suggest something I may be missing. Thanks Luke
  15. When I first started with lighting I used Freestyler to control a basic moving head and LED par set up. Wasn't the easiest to use but was sufficient for a small rig.
  16. They are both on the same arm - the locking one. But like I said the prism and animation wheel both work which according to the manual are controlled by IC2L. Even though its not showing on the screen. I've sent an email to Robe support too and am waiting to see what they say too. I don't have a means of uploading firmware unfortunately, no RDM.
  17. Thought I would check the chips in the menu this morning and noticed this - not sure if this will be the problem but the animation wheel and prisim work fine but cant seem to get the frost filter to move and obviously the shutter too - could it be both chips? or just IC1L that in turn is causing IC2L to not show up?
  18. Thanks indyld. Its not throwing up any errors. Everything else is working fine so I'm a little confused. There are two motors that control the blades so yeah I guess it would be a unlucky coincidence if both of them have gone. As for the boards - UK Rs do the boards at a lot less than from Robe and they are exactly the same. I will try to get some pics tomorrow of the unit.
  19. Thanks for the replies - sorry I just realised I should have put that it is the dichrofilter - heat protection glass between the lamp and the rest of the housing. It shattered when a lamp exploded. I also have another unit thats causing me som eproblems too - I replaced som eof the base PSU's as they had died (common fault im told with Robe 700's). The unit works fine now and powers on etc but wont dim. It just stays open regardless of any input telling it not to. Ive looked at the boards in the head/arms and checked all connectors/cables and all seem ok but still nothing. Any ideas? Could it be a chip? or the motor thats died? It was all going so well today ** laughs out loud **.
  20. Yeah I have the silicone. Robe gave me the exact one. Just wondered about the glue.
  21. During a bit of down time I’m going to replace the dichrofilter in one of my Robe’s I took out the old smashed one but noticed what I think was glue in the corners. Does the new one need gluing in too or will the heat silicone just be enough? If it needs glue, what kind? Thanks in advance.
  22. Thanks - I will have a look as my school is always looking out for things
  23. I suppose you could always use the lightweight ply/hardboard option to create the "shell" then add something like Peter Evans wood panels to it to give the effect of the ship boards?
  24. Do 10 out of 10 do an educational discount? We have ordered loads from them through the school I work at and never got a educational discount. I do agree they have some nice deals though.
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