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David Duffy

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Posts posted by David Duffy

  1. I've written a program to display PDF files in a window.  You can control the displayed page by sending OSC messages to it.

    Although I wrote it to display scripts and change page under control of MultiPlay, it can be controlled by any program sending OSC messages.

    More details are in the da-share forum.

    • Upvote 1
  2. The DC fuse is likely used for mains and 24V operation. If it's anything like the TOA amps, the 24V DC input feeds into the rectified transformer supply via a separate diode. Here's how the TOA A500 series do it.

    TOA Power Supply Fuse.png

    • Upvote 1
  3. The v3 releases of MultiPlay are still marked as beta, but they are very good and stable overall.


    As for hum / buzz / hiss / hash on a laptop audio out (or even via a USB audio interface), some laptop power supplies are just bad for it.

    I've often used a 3.5mm isolation transformer when dealing with laptop audio outputs to fix it.

  4. Firstly, are you using using the (really) old 2.5x version or the updated V3 ?

    When you say the sound items are missing, do you mean the cues have a red X next to them? If so, it could be that the audio files have been moved to a new folder and just need to be relinked to the the cues.

  5. I've always used the ESTA standard with data on pins 1/2 and common on pins 7/8.

    As for T568A / T568B, it makes no difference as it's just the data pair colour that changes. Common will always be the brown pair.

    I've made RJ45 - XLR cables with both schemes and as long as you check the 1/2 pair colour it's not an issue.

  6. The buck and boost terms are not just USA. They usually refer to a switching converter with inductor. While "step down" and 'step up" are also used for those types of converter, you need to be careful. Some "step down" units are simple linear regulators which won't have the 90 odd percent efficiency of a buck converter. All "step up" converters however will be "boost" switching types as that's the only way it can work.

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