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Posts posted by mattotone

  1. You can add multiple different soundcards to have multiple 2ch outputs in the basic Qlab.

    Although the cost of the soundcards cost more than renting the licence.

    You can create your show without the licence in advance and then just rent the licence during show week when the multiple are needed. You get credit every time you rent, so if you rent enough you get enough free credit to buy the software. I submit the rental price as an expense for the client to pay. 


  2. Im preparing for a show this weekend using QLAB and an LS9, 
    I would like to recall scenes on the LS9 using midi, without the desk in front of me I'm unsure if the desk supports call scene over 127.

    The manual suggest that call a program change recalls the corresponding scene e.g PC 58 recall scene 58.

    Does any one know if the desk supports more than 127 scenes to be recalled by midi and if so how? I presume changing banks or channel numbers

  3. Hi All, Im looking for a recommendation for fluid for a Martin 2500hz hazer.

    Iv used the Jem stuff, but would like something's a little thinner as it comes out more like a fog machine rather than thin haze even on the lowest output.

    I dont think its a great hazer TBH but its what we got.

  4. I have a Martin Hazer 2500hz, that will quite often display a OUT OF FLUID error despite having plenty of fluid in the reservoir.
    Having read through the schematics it doesn't appear to have a fluid sensor, so I would assume that it looks for a drop in temperature in the heat block when fluid is expected to be pumped in. My Machine did have a blockage in the exchanger which I have now cleared and replaced the pump at the same time, and the output of the machine looks good at FULL, and acceptable at a low level.

    The problem I am seeing is that if I run the machine at a low output after about 15 minutes the machine will stop with a LOW FLUID error.
    Do I need to calibrate the machine due to the change of pump ? or perhaps the heater block is still slightly clogged?

    Many Thanks

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