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Posts posted by pd@patrickdalgety.co.uk

  1. This is really an EOS Nomad question. 

    Four shows back I did two small  tours with one Mac, loaded with EOS Nomad and Qlab. using the apples internal midi interfaces 'IAC' and patch it with a 3rd party software I have used a lot called midiPipe.

    It worked a dream opping LX & Sound....simples!

    I cannot get it to now work at all even using the old shows, I haven't changed the OS or indeed anything else!

    at the centre of this appears to be my inability to get EOS to see any of the midi fixtures whether they be internal or external

    is there somewhere apart from the obvious settings/midi page to tell EOS where/what midi interfaces are there ?

  2. Hi, sorry this request may very well annoy

    I am abut to go on a small scale dance tour, pro show for 5year olds

    as usual virtually no money but maybe.. just maybe I can afford some expenditure (hiring is not an option O(

    I need to find 4 X inexpensive LED RGBW washes with ZOOM.

    am using ION dongle for control, prefer no fan 

    looking 75W plus love to be 200w

    any recommendations




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