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Posts posted by SzokeM

  1. Hello,


    To begin I am not sure if this would be the appropriate area to post this in but seeing as how it incorporates video switching, this made the most sense to me.

    I am looking for a product/software that I would imagine could be described as a Virtual Video Switcher. I will explain the situation and how I am imagining how it could be achieved below.

    The situation:

    There are large virtual events (competitions) happening in a few months that I am involved in that would normally be held in person, but due to COVID-19 it has been transitioned to virtual. These competitions run for approximately 3 weeks and consist of multiple teams competing at the same time in different scenarios. Because this is virtual, the idea is that each team would record their submission on one platform to then be viewed later by judges and then those recordings played on another platform to be viewed by attendees (Platform referring to video conferencing products). My idea is that I could have all teams join into a piece of software as "attendees" that I could then Video Stream into a live event software (Such as Zoom Webinar or Teams LIVE) so that people could view the competition in real time.


    The Idea:


    Each "team" would use a computer (or laptop) and a webcam and join this software/hardware/product and would then become an "input" for a video switcher (hence virtual video switching) and the video switchers "output" would be what attendees are seeing. Judges could go around to each of the "streams" so that they could do their work, but public viewers would only see the "streams" that we "output" to them.



    The Problem:

    I have no idea if this sort of service exists. Traditionally we would just have each booth with a camera hooked up that goes into a hardware video switcher that we can then preview and have our program sent to projectors/screen etc. What I am attempting to figure out is if I could accomplish the same idea with relatively the same amount of control, but do it in a way that doesn't require more than 4-5 people be in the same room.



    Obviously, I could have X amount of computers, each running a meeting with 1 of the teams in it, and then take an output from each computer and put it into a video switcher, which would have it's program output put into a video capture card into a "master" computer that would be used for the public stream. The problem with this is that each event could have upwards of 50 teams at one time which means that we would need (ballpark) 85 computers running in the same room which is a very large risk.


    Is this possible or is it far-fetched idea?



    If anybody has done this sort of thing before, or knows of somewhere I could go to get more information, it would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank you,



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