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Posts posted by attfield

  1. Guys, I really appreciate the advice given here.

    So an update I took your advice and invested in a 6 way splitter(I’ll tell you which later). Bought and fitted ‘proper’ DMX cable 5pin. Hired a bunch of LED lanterns for our last production which was a success. The company now think I’m a genius, so thanks again.

    Unfortunately the brand new splitter is faulty, it didn’t affect the production but I’m sending it back to the manufacturer. They have been very positive so I’ll post again once this has been resolved.

    Cheers Malcolm

  2. Thanks for the advice guys. Yes budget is an issue for us which will dictate which way we go.

    A couple of  additional question, can you run splitters in series? i.e. split a line that has already been split.  And, I’ve assumed theatres use 5 pin XLRs but is there any reason why you couldn’t standardise on 3 pin?

  3. Can anyone on here recommend a reliable DMX splitter. I’m wanting to add DMX connectivity to 4 hanging bars and to sockets on the sides of the stage. A four to six way splitter so I don’t have to go up and down the bars with cable. Thanks

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