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Posts posted by andrewg112

  1. I used to work in a fairly large holiday resort. We used to 'fog' accommodation when someone had been unwell during their stay, usually with symptoms of Norovirus or similar. As mentioned before, they are fairly well used on cruise ships and have been for quite some time.


    I never knew too much about them, other than we stuck a cap over the smoke detector and they filled the room. We let it settle for 24 hours and came back to find a fine layer over every surface, which could then be cleaned off and surfaces buffed and polished back to normal. It was a lot of work for just a few rooms, and had quite a distinctive clinical smell.


    I have no idea how effective this would be in such a large indoor area, I guess it would take some doing to guarantee every surface was covered, and I can't imagine very cheap either....

  2. We use iZettle too for our bar and also our box office. We have a card device and iPad at each point. x1 iPad was new and x1 was second hand. I have quite a few issues with reliability but that's due to our dodgy BT wifi router and its location when our bar fills up with people the signal becomes pretty rubbish. I'm hoping that a new access point at the bar will be the solution to this.



    I did lots of research with this before I purchased them and found iZettle to be the best of the bunch, in terms of price and features and ongoing support, its also very popular so likely to be supported for time to come. I looked at Clover too but in reality, for a low-cost professional solution iZettle came up trumps.


    Interestingly, recently our bank asked us who we process card payments with and wanted to know if they could offer anything, after letting them know the fee % they could not beat it, but it would be interesting to see what they could offer in terms of mobile devices. If I could have found a 3G/4G device cheap enough I would have purchased one, so will follow this thread.

  3. Hello


    We are looking to refit our main house theatre in Wellingborough, Northants this summer and have 500 chairs we need to get rid of.


    Does anyone know of anyone who deals in this sort of thing or can re-use them to avoid going to landfill.


    I may post on Set Exchange, but I would like to deal with it in one hit really.


    I look forward to any suggestions.






    Stantonbury Theatre in MK are in need of new theatre seats!

    If they're still available, could you please contact Vera Lowe (Theatre Manager) at Vera.Lowe@Stantonbury.org.uk

    Or ring her on Monday on 01908 324422




    Thank you. I'll do that.


    Please let me know if you are still looking for a new home for these.

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