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    Amateur theatre practitioner
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    Technician for DOYRMS school
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    Myles Ratcliffe

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  1. Thinking of things like the phantom boat or Charlie’s beds, is there a standard location system for non tracked automation? Is it RTK, computer vision or something else? Edit: Grammar
  2. Used, but in like new condition. Never been hired. For sale as no longer have a use for it. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/304606788646?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=a5un7snbTrW&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=a5un7snbTrW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  3. Thank you all for the responses, it's been very helpful!
  4. Thanks for the reply! That's exactly the problem. Pretty much any other area there are large amounts of resources, but struggling with autpmation. I'm a qualified spark, with experience in industrial control and electronics. Hence the looking in to this as a possible career change. It's difficult because you can't just go to your local theatre to get some experience with it. I'll have a look at the manufacturers you suggest, but I'm hoping to get more technical than programming and pressing go.
  5. Does anyone have any recommendations for companies that offer training for stage automation?
  6. I realise I’m quite late to this, but might be useful to someone. Plickers is another one that’s interesting to look at. Each person holds up a unique QR code, and a camera picks up which way round the card is held to determine which option is selected. Quite a clever concept, but I’ve never used on a big scale like this.
  7. smyles

    Alton Dungeons

    Not sure if there’s many here from the theme park world, but recently visited the above attraction and wondered what the fixtures were they were using. RGB washes looked very similar to the Chauvet freedom H1 And the spot effects similar to the Gantom Precision Alpha. Has anyone come across similar products for immersive theatre?
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